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Sceince & Balance

All natural Ingredients​​

What you need to know

Albatros Skincare’s Dead Sea mineral cosmetics also contain natural occlusive – substances that preserves skins moisture. Unlike the synthetic occlusive used in most commercial products that can be greasy and cause blemishes by blocking skin pores, Albatros Skincare products contain only natural plant oils and alcohols. These all-natural ingredients are not associated with any side effects, only skin care benefits. Combining the power and effectiveness of the best natural ingredients with the latest scientific breakthroughs, Albatros Skincare Dead Sea mineral cosmetics deliver the ultimate in all natural skin care benefits and anti-aging solutions. All Albatros Skincare products are made in Jordan. They are scientifically developed and tested by expert dermatologists and researchers in state-of-the-art laboratories in close proximity to the Dead Sea.

Yes, you're unique

What Makes the Dead Sea Unique?

The Dead Sea is the lowest place on Earth at 1,300 feet below sea level. It’s water have 29% salt content compared to most oceans which only contain 4%. Twelve of the minerals found in the Dead Sea are not found in any other ocean in the world. Due to its high salt content these minerals have many healing properties and offer natural anti-aging benefits.



Salt content


Unique minerals


Feet below sea level

Why are minerals so important

Dead Sea mineral skin care benefits include: treating psoriasis, eczema, ect. They are also critical in strengthening skin tissue, maintaining healthy skin balance, stimulating blood circulation and removing toxins from the skin. Like vitamins; minerals are not produced by the body and are gradually lost throughout the day. To acquire them we depend solely on external supply. Therefore, replenishing the minerals in your skin is so critical.

What makes Dead sea minerals so effictive!

The Dead Sea so unique and beneficial because it contains a higher salt concentration than any other ocean in the world. Here are some of the minerals found in the Dead Sea that are the most beneficial

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Calcium balances minerals in the cells and in the body, necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, which is vital for cell metabolism.
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Sulfur earned the title 'The Beauty Mineral' and it allows forming of a new layer of cells and functions as an antiseptic substance that eliminates fungus and bacteria. It assists in combating diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and various inflammations. Sulfur is necessary for producing collagen. It is a natural disinfectant that is very effective in fighting acne. Sulfur is also a powerful detoxifying agent that helps rid the body of toxins.
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Magnesium is essential for cell metabolism and improved hydration. By stabilizing DNA and RNA it slows down the aging process in the skin preserving its elasticity and youthfulness. Magnesium combats stress, reduces inflammation and calms the nervous system. This is because it can pass through to the lower layer of the skin. Mg is extremely useful in healing and repairing damaged skin.
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Zinc regulates the cell growth and stimulates collagen production, which contributes to the smoothness and softness of the skin. It can improve sebo-regulation (which can treat acne), anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural sun rays blocker. Zinc is known to boost the immune system. It protects the skin against sunburn and windburn
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Potassium helps to balance skin moisture by absorbing water molecules from the environment. Its deficiency results in dry and dull looking skin. It also supports the growth of new skin cells by helping to build protein and acts as a Ph level balancer. In addition, it stimulates and controls nerve signals and muscle contractions.
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Chloride balances minerals in cells and in the body, necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, which is vital for cell metabolism Magnesium is essential for cell metabolism and improved hydration. By stabilizing DNA and RNA it slows down the aging process in the skin preserving its elasticity and youthfulness.

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